tisdag 9 september 2008

7 sep, Academy 2, Manchester

The gig was definitely the hottest one so far, and the smallest stage as well I think, but the audience was amazing and we had good fun on stage so for me at least it was the best gig so far. It’s really difficult to fit in on the stages since our drumkit has to be in front of Backyard Babies’ but in one way or another we make it every night.
Believe it or not – we didn’t have Indian food for dinner tonight, we went to a Thai restaurant right a cross the street. Extremely good!!!

8 sep, Manchester –DAY OFF
Everybody had been talking about relax,spa, baths, going to see a movie etc on our day off, but pretty soon in the morning it was clear nothing would happen. Everybody was just tired and slow.. so we just enjoyed the beautiful backyard of Manchester Academy and had sandwishes from Subways.. at 4.30 I got ants in my pants and took a walk to Manchester city. Normally I get lost pretty easy so I usually don’t go on long walks on tour but today I was lucky, just one road the whole way so I could walk for 40 minutes and only turn 3 times. 7.30 it was time for a crazy question game that Toffsy, Backyards merch master, had put together. The winners was Klara and Peder, both 6 points –impressive, but I’m not surpriced ‘cause Klara’s got a sharp brain!! She won a sewing kit, she had to choose from that, a spiderman chocolate bar, a glossy girl magazine with Mascara included, 4 pack of cans with spaghetti and tomato sauce, and 2 kinder eggs.
That’s about everything that happened today!

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